Zaven | Enrica Cavarzan & Marco Zavagno

Collection: Rilievi

Rigour and creativity. Zaven synthesizes in its design practice both the conceptual leaps of contemporary art and a creative rigor with a graphic approach, allowing the studio to interface with both the industrial world and with museum and gallery environments.

The only Italian entity selected by Nike at the Salone del Mobile 2016, Zaven was featured in a monographic exhibition at La Triennale di Milano and exhibited in the group show “The Future is Handmade” at Kalmar Konstmuseum. Among the institutions, it boasts collaborations, often related to visual communication themes, with Ca’ Foscari University, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, IUAV University of Venice, Sindika Dokolo Foundation (Luanda), La Biennale di Venezia, and the Russian V-A-C Foundation.

Rilievi - ambientata 02 | Florim
The collection


The Rilievi collection by Zaven is the outcome of an elaborate design process starting from meticulous, highly successful work to combine two basic elements: a large ceramic slab and a three-dimensional "relief tile" placed on top of it. These two "ingredients" can be combined in different ways depending on their numerical multiplication, the layout of the slabs, the shapes built up by placing the relief tiles one after the other, and the combinations and juxtapositions amongst each item in the collection.

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