ETA Certification

The S1 system for ventilated facades has obtained the important ETA (European Technical Assessment) certification as an external cladding for facades, valid in all 28 Member States and those of the European Economic Area, as well as in Switzerland and Turkey.
As the tests are standardized, its validity can also be extended to other countries, provided there is evaluation and approval by the relevant state authorities and the project designer.

The FLORIM S1 system, designed to be used for external cladding in mechanically anchored ventilated facades, consists of a Florim Magnum Oversize porcelain slab with a thickness of 6mm, mechanically fixed to the substructure using a specific anchoring system inserted into a groove on the back, applicable to both existing buildings and new constructions.

The FLORIM S1 System includes the installation of L-section brackets and vertical aluminum profiles with a T-section at a maximum spacing of 80 cm. The profile is extruded to accommodate the support plates for the ceramic slabs. These plates, enameled in black and fixed with rivets, are not visible as they are embedded in the thickness of the ceramic slab. A double adhesive bead is applied continuously to each mounting profile to provide anti-vibration function and, together with the safety mesh installed on the back of the ceramic slab, stiffens the system. The mesh is interrupted at contact points with the brackets to ensure better adhesion. The mechanical fixing of the ceramic slabs is done by riveting the retaining hooks to the vertical profile, previously positioned within the grooves on the back of the slabs and present around the entire perimeter of the slabs. The ceramic cladding slabs define a pattern characterized by open vertical and horizontal joints of 7mm.

The complex obtaining of the ETA is linked to the positive outcome of tests and performance evaluations contained in specific guidelines (EAD 090062-00-04.04 Kits for external wall cladding mechanically fixed – European Assessment Document) drafted by EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals). The ETA certification is a technical evaluation that includes the study and analysis of the S1 System's performance in its entirety, from the metal elements to the Florim Magnum Oversize slab.

The ETA certification obtained includes the defining features and experimental studies related to the FLORIM S1 System in its use for ventilated facades.

The main tests conducted on the system are:

  • Fire reaction

The fire reaction classification of the FLORIM S1 external cladding system for ventilated facades, in accordance with standard EN 13501-1:2007 + A1:2009 and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/364, is B-s2,d0.

  • Wind load resistance

This performance has been evaluated in accordance with section 2.2.9 and annex E of EAD 090062-00-0404. The negative pressure test was conducted up to a maximum value of -4500Pa, without any breakage or damage observed. This value represents the maximum allowed by the testing equipment.

  • Impact resistance

This performance has been evaluated in accordance with section 2.2.11 and annex G of EAD 090062-00-0404 and its results pertain to the configuration including horizontal profiles in the complete setup. The tested sample was classified as Category I. Category I is an area easily accessible at ground level to the public and vulnerable to impacts from hard objects but not subject to unusually intense use.

  • Mechanical resistance

Axial tension: evaluated in accordance with section and annexes I.3 and N of EAD 090062-00-0404. The mechanical resistance test was conducted on samples without any sealant in the back groove of the slab.

Cutting: evaluated in accordance with section and annexes I.4 and N of EAD 090062-00-0404. The mechanical resistance test was conducted on samples without any sealant in the back groove of the slab.

Combined tension and cutting test: evaluated in accordance with section and annexes I.5 and N of EAD 090062-00-0404. The mechanical resistance test was conducted on samples without any sealant in the back groove of the slab.

  • Drainage

According to paragraph 2.27 of EAD, based on construction details, available technical knowledge, experience, and installation criteria, it can be stated that water entering through joints in ventilation or condensation water can be drained from the cladding without accumulation or moisture damage to the substrate or cladding kit.

Detailed information and technical data for all components are provided in the ETA documentation and associated test reports.

The ETA is now recognized at the European level as a standard for identifying suitable technological systems for ventilated facades: this certification therefore guarantees not only the quality of the ceramic cladding product but also the entire system, including individual components and assembly techniques.

Obtaining this certification represents an additional guarantee for designers and clients and constitutes a significant milestone for us in the world of ventilated facades.

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