Report of Violations and Wrongdoings

For reporting violations and wrongdoings to the Supervisory Body, such as conflicts of interest, non-compliance with the law, breaches of the Code of Ethics, and the Organizational Model, the following communication channels have been established:

• Regular mail (Supervisory Body - Florim S.p.A. SB, via Canaletto, 24 41042 Fiorano Modenese - MO)
• Email (
• Reporting website

Reports can be filed by any party, including employees, members of social bodies and Audit Firms, customers, suppliers, consultants, collaborators, shareholders, partners of Florim or its related controlled companies, and other third parties.

When the Supervisory Body receives a report, it initiates an investigation that includes the phases of registration, evaluation, and preliminary verification, as well as further examination and potential actions. In any case, the Supervisory Body guarantees the whistleblower's anonymity.

For any information or clarification on the matter, you are invited to contact the Supervisory Body (

What can be reported:

The report can concern behaviors, acts, or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of public administration or private entities, including:

  • Administrative, accounting, civil, or criminal misconduct.
  • Relevant illicit conduct as per Legislative Decree 231/2001, or violations of organizational and management models.
  • Offenses falling under the scope of European Union or national acts relating, for example, to the following sectors: public contracts; financial services, products, and markets; money laundering and terrorist financing prevention; product safety and compliance; transportation safety; environmental protection; public health; consumer protection; protection of private life and personal data, and network and information system security.
  • Acts or omissions concerning the internal market or that harm the financial interests or provisions of the Union.

The harm or potential harm must be of a public nature; the reports should not concern personal complaints or claims.

What the report should contain:

It is important for the report to include relevant details that allow verification, examination, and assessment of the validity of the reported facts. If the report is made through the portal, the form completion is guided by dropdown menus. The reporter can decide whether to make the report anonymously or declare their identity.

How the reporting process works and the timeframe:

Upon submitting the report, the portal will provide a reference number that should be retained to track updates and the status of the report. The company has three months to respond. If other reporting channels are used, the company must acknowledge receipt within seven days.

Confidentiality protection and prohibition of discrimination:

As required by law, the identity of the whistleblower cannot be disclosed without their explicit consent, and all individuals who receive or are involved in managing the report are obligated to protect the confidentiality of such information. Furthermore, the whistleblower cannot be subjected to pressures or direct or indirect discrimination affecting their working conditions for reasons related to the report.

Confidentiality protection is lifted if the whistleblower is found to be making false accusations or defamatory statements. In such cases, the whistleblower may be subject to sanctions.

File a report

Read the reporting procedure 

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