
Marks left by time: degraded materials, wear, layering.

The faded wall fresco, the traces of moisture on the plaster.

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Designed to cover interior surfaces—and in some cases, exteriors—the large slabs of the Storie collection are ceramic products where pigment blends manifest in chromatic gradations with stunning effects, featuring a visual expressiveness inspired by the slow and fascinating fading over time of plaster and wall decorations in traditional Italian architecture.

«Technological innovation enables us to reproduce on large-sized ceramic materials all the effects of wear and stratification that normally only time is able to create.» - Giorgia Zanellato & Daniele Bortotto


Children stare at the walls of a farmhouse, wondering what the cracks are, and whether every mark is a path and every path is a story. They think that miniature beings live in the air pockets that have formed, and the detaching plaster is like an avalanche cascading from a glacier. They don't ask why the colours are as they are, because they just had to be like that.

Giorgia Zanellato & Daniele Bortotto

Technological innovation enables us to reproduce on large-sized ceramic materials all the effects of wear and stratification that normally only time is able to create.


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